Monday, April 28, 2008

Lose Talk

Here's a few comments I've heard from students regarding TDR's ban on trans fats:

"It's funny.  I actually remember the day TDR stopped having trans fat in the french fries.  All my friends said the fries sucked."
-Brad Rizza

"I didn't eat the fries before, and I doubt the salad bar and vegan food section had a bunch of trans fat anyways."
-Randi Fuchs

"I hate TDR, I always eat at subway or McDonalds, and I don't care if they have trans fats, at least he food tastes good."
-Alex Anderson

"I think it's amazing that TDR has no trans fats, no one told them they had to do it.  I bet it costs them money actually.  That's great, I didn't even know, everything tastes the same."
-Sharon Cooper

What do YOU have to say about TDR's trans fat free-ness?

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